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A Message From Our Superintendent

As a district we pride ourselves on our ability to create a safe space where kids can be kids just a little longer; where they are free to laugh, smile and play without judgement. A place where they find a love for learning and a passion for life. We want our wildcats to not be afraid to take risks or make mistakes because they know the important lessons that can come from them. We create a space where our students learn that kindness, respect and hard work will take them far in life. We create a home for our students that, when faced with challenges and tragedy, they can still find the good the world has to offer.

Last day of School

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District Mission & Vision Statement

"Planting and Cultivating Positive Seeds of Success"

We are focused on preparing our students to assume responsibility and lead their own learning through successful collaboration between our staff, families, and communities. We foster a learning environment that is growth oriented and rooted in tradition.